5 Software Development Trends That Could Transform Enterprises in 2017
5 Software Development Trends That Could Transform Enterprises in 2017

The next major digital transformation is on its way this year, owing to the increasing dominance of open source development, machine-learning, customer-first design, and infrastructure disruption. Software Development Dubai witnessed a significant growth with a number of startups rising up in the market utilizing effective social media marketing and a number of other facets. 

In 2017, enterprises will have to reinvent themselves by adopting effective trends that promote their growth and keep them competitive. Here are five of those trends enterprises should take into account.

Open source

Open source software has been driving innovation and digital transformation for decades. Its influence has risen over the years so much that it is now considered a safe gamble to use open source, make projects open source and be a part of the large open source community so as to keep up with technology. It’s an invasive change that can help transform a business better and drive its growth. Turning a blind eye to open source in 2017 is not a good idea according to experts.

Infrastructure disruption

Running a business requires equal amount of focus on the software architecture and the systems used by the establishment. These systems comprise the infrastructure. Overlooking the internal operations of a business can end up with broken security, increasing maintenance costs from patches to new purchases, and ageing of hardware.

Fortunately, there has been a significant amount of progress in everything from delivery till storage, allowing businesses to focus more on growth rather than focusing on both internal and external operations. The use of Xaas, serverless architecture, microservices and distributed systems was the signs many failed to notice last year. 

Cloud-native tools, and a robust, scalable environment are must-haves now if enterprises are to grow in 2017.

Software development driving businesses

Software and technology professionals have become vital for the transformation of almost every kind of business nowadays. Software development brought forth many changes that effectively transformed the business in terms of decision-making, customer acquisition and satisfaction, security and stability. Business communication, data analysis etc. also require capable software. This year, more businesses will incorporate software into their operations. 

As the importance of digital transformation grows, the role of software development is not be neglected. 

Customer comes first

Planning, building and deploying enterprise software and applications take a lot of factors into account including budget, business goals etc. But it can never be truly complete, if the customers aren’t prioritized over everything else. The actual customer can be an end-user or another company. That’s why researching customers is necessary. 

Customer experience decides the success of a business. Though customer satisfaction has gone down in the list of priorities for many companies, it will surely be at the forefront this year; evident from the fact that startups tending to customers are succeeding even when the competitors are reputed establishments. 

Machine learning

This is more or less an ON and OFF trend. But lately it’s been gaining a lot of traction. Corporate giants like OpenAI, Microsoft etc. have invested a lot on machine learning and harnessing the potential of AI. Voice-driven apps to aid consumers are being researched. It’s safe to assume that there will be a lot of exciting changes in this department this year. 

Data-fed machine learning can have a deep impact on business’ decision-making, information delivery, and even operations. If all goes well, low-level tasks will not be of any concern in the near future. 

To conclude, businesses have already started incorporating these drivers for success to aid them in their journey to digital transformation. 2017 will be recognizing the potential of these trends right from the start itself, which makes now a good time for businesses to start strategizing and planning.