Container-based Hosting and its Many Benefits
Container-based Hosting and its Many Benefits

Web hosting is quite complex if you consider all the choices you will have to make including the hosting solutions, solution features, and the kind of solution apt for your website. The hosting industry experiences occasional changes thanks to disruptive technologies that sprout up out of the blue. Last year, web hosting Dubai welcomed a new innovative hosting solution to the block named Container-based hosting. It didn't take long for the newcomer to earn a reputation for being innovative.

Container-based hosting comes with a lot of advantages, primarily its capacity to enable you to fit more on to a server, and perform more computations better with just what you have. Basically, it helps you do more with less resources. It's quite similar to full virtualization because of the fact that it allows partitioning servers into smaller, sharable, and secure virtual instances. 

Though it's similar to virtualization, it doesn't mean container based hosting has just the same advantages that virtualization delivers. As a matter of fact, container-based hosting has one major advantage over OS virtualization. The host operating system will be able to run applications natively in a secure operating environment as emulating PC hardware in containers is not necessary. 

This allows hosting providers to have the servers perform more computations than normal, while reducing expenditure on hardware and power. Hosting applications would  be cheap if the solution is container-based. 

But is it useful for only specific communities of users? Let's take a look.


Virtual machines tend to be a bit bulky. But when it comes to docker containers, you can fit quite a lot of them even in a mid-end Linux laptop. A larger system can accommodate considerably more. Containers use host operating system, which essentially means you can load hundreds of containers at once to perform tasks. Multitasking potential is high indeed.

So they are not bulky and they increase workload leading to better productivity without the need for more equipments or more power. Multiple tasks will be executed independently and simultaneously saving a lot of time and effort. Overall usage of resources is noticeably low.

Has Open Source Features

The Container technology comes with quite a few open source elements like Docker, FreeBSD Jails, OpenVZ etc. These types use a wide array of tools to solve unique issues depending on the platform where they are implemented. On top of this, anyone can use them for free or develop them into better versions, just like an open source entity.

Boot Time

Have you ever noticed that virtual machines take a while to boot because of the many computational steps involved? Containers don't take that long to boot as they simply load the applications you want to run in a secure zone. Virtual machines, on the other hand, will require the system to load the OS from the disk space. 


The container technology is impressively scalable. You won't need architectural improvements to scale containers. There wouldn't be vertical downtime as well, essentially making the scaling process quite simple and affordable. As a platform, containers are consistent in the sense that multiple containers in the system will be on the same footing appearing alike. This actually adds to the already secure environment. Application containers can be isolated from each other, which means your service gets better protection generally.

Evolution Potential

Both virtual machines and containers have been around for a while, though containers are a relatively new technology compared to the former. But we are speaking about containers in their original version. Containers have only been recently applied for hosting. There's still more to explore on its capabilities as a hosting service. Tech giants have already started working on creating more powerful future iterations of the technology that can outclass the present hosting capabilities.