A Short Introductory Guide to Flutter
A Short Introductory Guide to Flutter

Flutter is a mobile application development framework that gained a lot of attention simply for being the brainchild of Google. It was originally known as ‘Sky’ and was revealed during the Dart developer summit back in 2015. Though it didn’t cause an impact in the enterprise application services sector at first, Flutter eventually started gaining momentum. 

What makes it unique?

For starters, Flutter is also open source. Google might be its original author but Flutter received contributions from many experts in the open source community. Written in the Dart programming language (also developed by Google), the cross-platform framework can now facilitate the development of not only Android but also iOS apps as well. Surprisingly, Flutter is as demanded as React if not more making it one of the most remarkable mobile technologies at present.

The various benefits of Flutter

Faster development – Many companies find it challenging to get their mobile apps developed faster. React Native helped them overcome that challenge by facilitating faster development. Flutter is evidently React’s biggest rival at present, and is designed to make app development faster and more efficient even for rookie developers. 

Hot reload feature – This feature allows developers to inject updated source code into the Dart Virtual Machine (DVM) letting them see updated features on the app instantly which wasn’t the case before. Bug fixing and UI modifications can be done quickly thanks to this feature. 

Material Design & Cupertino widgets – Flutter features both making it possible for developers to get creative while developing apps so they deliver a delightful experience to app users. Material Design and Cupertino motion-rich widgets beautify apps both on Android and iOS devices respectively. 

Built-in animation library – Animations make the apps more immersive and plays a role in keeping app users engaged. Flutter features an animation library that developers can use to add great animations on mobile apps. 

As the framework also uses 2D GPU-accelerated APIs, the animations would also look better and play smoother. These APIs also ensure noticeably rich UI for mobile apps built using Flutter compared to the ones built using React Native.

Apps for Fuchsia – Fuchsia is an operating system currently being developed by Google and widely speculated to be a replacement for the Chrome OS and Android. Flutter is touted as the primary method for creating apps for Google Fuchsia. 


Though Flutter is inspired by React, it’s not the same as React. As a matter of fact, Flutter promises high quality UI and a solid UX that’s comparatively better than that of React’s. Considering the fact that there is a consistent increase in demand for Flutter, it won’t be long before we start seeing apps built on the framework. It could be the game changer for a growing mobile app development company very soon.