5 Reasons on Why Businesses Should Update their Mobile Applications
5 Reasons on Why Businesses Should Update their Mobile Applications

Mobile application development is a tedious process. You have invested a huge amount of money, not to talk about the unending work hours that you have put in. But leaving the app ‘as it is’ can be a serious mistake with the potential of putting you out of business. Here are 5 reasons why you should update your mobile app regularly.

Removing Bugs

Bugs are perhaps the greatest hindrance for customers in enjoying a seamless mobile app experience. A mobile application riddled with bugs will be shunned by customers and they might altogether abandon doing business with you in the future. Hence it is extremely critical to remove them on your next update.

To guarantee a bug-free experience for your consumers you should subject your application to a strict regimen of testing cycle. The bugs should be rectified along with the testing cycle.

Unlike popular belief, testing the mobile application during development in UAE or once before launch will not help identify all the security vulnerabilities and bugs present. This should be an ongoing process.

Addressing Security Issues

For businesses having mobile application dealing with customers critical personal information security is point of concern. There is always a risk of hackers or other malicious entities trying to gain access to this data. This is especially important for e-retailer and other banking institutions. Companies should employ the latest mobile technologies such as tracking tools and top tier security solutions to ensure data protection

Utilising the Latest Technology

Since mobile applications work jointly with popular mobile operating system like Android and Apple, mobile application development companies in Dubai should stay updated on the developments within these OS to ensure that the usability of their mobile apps is not compromised. 

At worse, you can see your applications crashing, because of lack of necessary adjustments needed on their app to work along with the updates on either Apple or Android.

In this regard, Apple and Google have started to force their app owners to update their application or the threat of taking it down from the App store.

Updating UI/UX For More Customer Engagement

Maintaining relevance especially for e-commerce businesses is crucial for retaining customers. Regular updation of the mobile application’s UI/UX is a crucial way to keep customers engaged as well as solving complaints.

Rather than going for an all-in all-out redesign it is advisable to opt for small and gradual changes focusing on elevating user experience. 

Cutting Edge Marketing for Customer Re-Engagement

After the updation of your business application, it is highly likely to see a spike in your app store ranking. Grab this opportunity to re-engage with old customers with the latest marketing tactics. 

Customers will view your regular updation as your unwavering business commitment. Also, by updating your application, you have a perfect opportunity to send out push notifications to your existing as well as potential customers.